About me

I'm Leo Li, a Master of Engineering student in Data Science and Machine Learning at the University of Michigan. Previously, I graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a minor in Computer Science. My academic and professional journey is fueled by a diverse skill set in programming languages and technologies like Java, Python, and React​.

I have honed my skills through internships at The Verse, China Telecom, and ByteDance, focusing on software engineering and data analysis. My projects range from enhancing user experiences to automating and optimizing workflows. I'm also deeply involved in personal projects, including developing AI-powered tools and highly scalable & distributed saas system.

My Backend Tech Stack

  • Java icon


    Proficient in Java for robust backend development, emphasizing scalable and efficient application design.

  • Spring Boot icon

    Spring Boot

    Experienced in Spring Boot for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications with ease.

  • Docker icon


    Skilled in Docker for containerizing applications, ensuring consistency across multiple development and release cycles.

  • MySQL icon


    Expert in MySQL for handling database needs, with a focus on performance and security.

  • Redis icon


    Utilize Redis for enhancing application performance with its in-memory data store capabilities.

  • Kafka icon

    Apache Kafka

    Proficient in Apache Kafka for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications.



  1. University of Michigan

    01/2023 - 05/2024

    Master of Engineering in Machine Learning and Computer Vision

  2. New York University

    09/2018 - 12/2022

    Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Minor in Computer Science

Internship Experience

  1. Software Engineer Intern, The Verse | Berkeley, CA

    05/2023 - 08/2023

    At The Verse, I designed reusable React components for WalkXR themes, enhancing physical and mental well-being and website engagement. I also integrated Dreamhost with GitHub, improving deployment workflows by 30%, and contributed to game design using Unreal Engine.

  2. Software Engineer Intern, China Telecom CO | Guangzhou, China

    05/2022 - 08/2022

    I utilized Electronjs to design an IP conflict checker, automating process of virtual IP legality review and conflict detection; enhanced approval efficiency 93% and ensured rational allocation and stable operation of network resources. In addition, I developed internal task management system using PHP and Laravel framework; facilitated task distribution, claiming, and performance stats; provided effective management solution for 20 internal users.

  3. Data Analyst Intern, ByteDance Inc | Guangzhou, China

    05/2021 - 08/2021

    I Developed bot that facilitated transition of data reporting from weekly to daily, enhancing timeliness of data acquisition; constructed comprehensive data dashboard, enabling departments to effectively identify progress and overall performance gaps. I achieved +64% boost in query speed, significantly enhancing workflow efficiency through MySQL optimizations. I conducted data research and analysis on TikTok’s group buying business, providing Sales with data-driven strategic support, strengthening data-driven sales strategies, which improved decision-making efficiency and performance growth.